Welp, Im 20 now, and 5 days ago I passed my driving exam (after believing I failed it lmao, I was so devastated until I realized I didn't commit serious mistakes) I think a lot happened during last week and Im happy everything is mostly working out. School was hell last year, but at least now Im doing stuff I actually like lol.
Since I left the exe community this summer, I have no topics on what to talk about outside of reposts of art and whatever happened in the projects I was part on and what I've learnt from those, as I want to keep the Kohaku/Eiran Archipelago updates privated for the time being at least. So I might share at some point what is my school project going to be, because I want to do stuff about it and eventually release the full game. So yeah, hopefully I will be more active on here too lol, even if its just sharing some stuff I did a while ago.
Happy Birthday and well that is good yes I hope you are doing alright
Thank you!