Meet Charles Wagner and Marina Crimson! They are young adults who fight against Izanami and her army of yokais and ghosts, and study them so they can be know to people.
They met each other several years ago, and went to a village in Japan thats said to be cursed by ghosts. It wasnt a hard task to keep the phantoms in control, until Izanami appeared. Luckily they were prepared when she arrived.
Canon stuff:
- Charles and Marina are the only known members of the Paranormal Research group. There is a chance that someone else is in there.
- They have several weapons at their dispossal, including those that can use danmaku and some kind of spell cards, the ammo is special energy dropped by these entities.
Interactions with other worlds:
- They have tools to fight other exes and all the ones from their story, unless stated otherwise.
- All members of Paranormal Research belong in the outside of canon interactions, unless stated otherwise.
- They are exe hunters, but they also think that all of the exes are related to Izanami in one way or another. Their goal is to eliminate all threatening beings and rescue the ones affected by them.